Intel® Tiber™ Broadcast Suite#
This application uses Open Source components. You can find the source code of their open source projects along with license information below. We acknowledge and are grateful to these developers for their contributions to open source.
This file contains the list of third party software (“third party programs”) contained in the Intel software and their required notices and/or license terms. This third party software, even if included with the distribution of the Intel software, may be governed by separate license terms, including without limitation, third party license terms, other Intel software license terms, and open source software license terms. These separate license terms govern your use of the third party programs as set forth in the “” (links), “” (raw license copy) or other similarly-named text file.
Third party programs and their corresponding required notices and/or license terms are listed below as direct links.
Component: Ffmpeg Ffmpeg
Repository: FFmpeg/Ffmpeg
License: FFmpeg/FFmpeg
Component: Intel cartwheel-ffmpeg
Repository: intel/cartwheel-ffmpeg
License: intel/cartwheel-ffmpeg
Component: Intel Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK)
Repository: DPDK/dpdk
License: DPDK/dpdk
Component: Intel Graphics Memory Management Library (gmmlib)
Repository: intel/gmmlib
License: intel/gmmlib
Component: Intel Integrated Performance Primitives - Intel IPP
Component: Intel media-driver
Repository: intel/media-driver
License: intel/media-driver
Component: Intel SVT-AV1
Repository: AOMediaCodec/SVT-AV1
License: AOMediaCodec/SVT-AV1/-/blob/master/
Component: Intel libva
Repository: intel/libva
License: intel/libva
Component: KhronosGroup/vulkan-headers
Repository: KhronosGroup/vulkan-headers
License: KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers
Component: Netflix/vmaf
Repository: Netflix/vmaf
License: Netflix/vmaf
Component: Oneapi-src OneVPL
Repository: intel/libvpl
License: intel/libvpl
Component: Oneapisrc oneVPLIntelGpu
Repository: intel/vpl-gpu-rt
License: intel/vpl-gpu-rt
Component: OpenVisualCloud Media-Communication-Mesh
Repository: OpenVisualCloud/Media-Communications-Mesh
License: OpenVisualCloud/Media-Communications-Mesh
Component: OpenVisualCloud Media-Transport-Library
Repository: OpenVisualCloud/Media-Transport-Library
License: OpenVisualCloud/Media-Transport-Library
Component: OpenVisualCloud SVT-JPEG-XS
Repository: OpenVisualCloud/SVT-JPEG-XS
License: OpenVisualCloud/SVT-JPEG-XS
Component: OpenVisualCloud Video-Super-Resolution-Library
Repository: OpenVisualCloud/Video-Super-Resolution-Library
License: OpenVisualCloud/Video-Super-Resolution-Library
Component: Nv-Codec-Headers
Repository: FFmpeg/nv-codec-headers
License: MIT License FFmpeg/nv-codec-headers