Setting Up Media Communications Mesh Cluster with Kubernetes#

1. Prerequisites#

To set up your Minikube cluster and deploy resources, please ensure that the following prerequisites are met on your local machine:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04

  • Minikube: Install Minikube using a package manager or by downloading the binary from the official website. Ensure you are using a compatible version with Ubuntu 22.04.

  • kubectl: This command-line tool allows you to interact with the Kubernetes cluster. You can configure it to connect to your Minikube cluster by running kubectl config use-context minikube. Verify that you have a version compatible with your Minikube version.

  • Docker: Ensure that Docker is installed on your machine. You can install Docker from the official website.

  • Images: The way the Media Communications Mesh cluster is running depends on installed Docker images. Follow the steps below to create them.

1.1. Scripted build#

To build Media Proxy, FFmpeg and SDK Dockerfiles, follow the guide. Sample applications are available inside the Docker image named mcm/SDK:latest located at /opt/mcm. For more information refer to sample applications. For deployments in production environments, we encourage to use the FFmpeg-based workflow. Either minimalistic Media Communications Mesh FFmpeg plugin or full-capabilities all-in-one Intel® Tiber™ Broadcast Suite.

# below script accept all docker build parameters, for example fresh rebuild:
# ./ --no-cache
# This depending on your Docker installation type may require using sudo:
# sudo ./

1.2. Manual build#

Manual build should be done with the build context pointing at the root directory of the Media Communications Mesh repository.

Note: Usage of ./ script is recommended as it guarantees the path-independent execution of the build process.

Example of the manual build:

cd <mcm-dir>
docker build --build-arg=http_proxy --build-arg=https_proxy --build-arg=no_proxy \
      -t mcm/media-proxy:custom-build" \
      -f <mcm-dir>/media-proxy/Dockerfile \

1.3. MTL Manager build#

To build MTL Manager you need to fetch and build Media Transport Library from the source. It can be done by using the following commands:

git clone <mtl-dir>
cd <mtl-dir>/mananger
docker build -t mtl-manager:latest .
  • PS: Detail information about the MTL Manager could refer to the MTL document.

Once these prerequisites are in place, you can proceed with setting up your Minikube cluster and deploying resources. If you encounter any issues during the process, feel free to ask for assistance.

2. Setup Steps#

2.1. Launch MTL Manager on the host server#

The MTL Manager is needed to manage the lcore for MTL instances. It needs to be run on each physical host server of the Media Communications Mesh cluster.

docker run -d \
  --name mtl-manager \
  --privileged --net=host \
  -v /var/run/imtl:/var/run/imtl \

2.2. Setting Up the Minikube Cluster#

Use the following command to set the number of nodes for your Minikube cluster:

minikube start --nodes $num_nodes --namespace mcm --mount-string="/var/run/imtl:/var/run/imtl" --mount

2.3. Enabling Add-ons and Loading Docker Images#

Once the Minikube cluster is running, enable the metrics-server add-on:

minikube addons enable metrics-server
  • Load the required Docker images into the Minikube cluster:

minikube image load mcm/media-proxy:latest
minikube image load mcm/sample-app:latest

2.4. Labeling Worker Nodes#

After the cluster is set up, label the worker nodes with the following commands:

kubectl label nodes minikube-m02 mcm-type=tx
kubectl label nodes minikube-m03 mcm-type=rx

2.5. Creating Resources#

Apply the custom namespace and create the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) using the provided YAML files:

kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f pv.yaml
kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml

2.6. Deploying DaemonSets#

Deploy the Media Proxy DaemonSets for both receiver and transmitter using the provided YAML files:

kubectl apply -f DaemonSet/media-proxy-rx.yaml
kubectl apply -f DaemonSet/media-proxy-tx.yaml

3. Summary#

This user guide outlined the steps to set up a Media Communications Mesh cluster, enable addons, load Docker images, label worker nodes, create resources, and deploy Media Proxy. By following these steps, you can configure a Minikube cluster for your Media Communications Mesh system.

Note: Users can simply run the deployment/ script to execute all the mentioned steps in this user guide.