MCM Data Plane SDK

MCM Data Plane SDK#

Ubuntu Build BSD 3-Clause


The MCM SDK is a lightweight and versatile library designed to facilitate seamless media data transportation between microservices, with or without the MCM Media Proxy. By leveraging the MCM SDK, developers can easily establish efficient media streaming and enable zero-copied handling of media data transfers.


  1. Dependencies

Install the required dependencies by running the command:

$ sudo apt-get install -y cmake libbsd-dev
  1. Build SDK Library

$ cmake -B out .
$ cmake --build out -j 4
  1. Install on System

To install the MCM SDK on your system, execute the following command:

$ cmake --install out

Sample Applications#

The usage of SDK APIs could refer to the “samples” applications.

  1. Sender

Sample code for the application which send out data to others.

Source code: samples/sender_app.c

$ ./build/samples/sender_app
usage: sender_app [OPTION]
-h, --help                      Print this help and exit.
-s, --ip=ip_address             Send data to IP address (default:
-p, --port=port_number          Send data to Port (default: 9001).
-n, --number=frame_number       Total frame number to send (default: 300).
  1. Receiver

Sample code for the application which receive data from others.

Source code: samples/sender_app.c

$ ./build/samples/recver_app
usage: recver_app [OPTION]
-h, --help                      Print this help and exit.
-r, --ip=ip_address             Receive data from IP address (defaults:
-p, --port=port_number  Receive data from Port (defaults: 9001).
  1. RAISR Microservice

Standalone microservice to apply “super resolution” to RAW YUV format video frames. This application use MCM DP SDK to handle on the data input/output functions.

Source code: (will be released later)