Tx flow#

Diagrams in this document show interaction between FFmpeg and the Media Communications Mesh FFmpeg plugin when FFmpeg is streaming a video file over Media Communications Mesh.

Simplified FFmpeg Tx flow#

   participant ffmpeg as FFmpeg
   participant mux as Plugin

   ffmpeg ->> ffmpeg: Open video file
   ffmpeg ->> mux: Write header
   loop N video frames
   ffmpeg ->> mux: Write packet
   ffmpeg ->> mux: Write trailer
   ffmpeg ->> ffmpeg: Close video file

FFmpeg Write Header flow#

   participant ffmpeg as FFmpeg
   participant mux as Plugin
   participant sdk as SDK
   participant memif as Memif
   participant proxy as Media Proxy
   participant mtl as MTL
   participant network as Network

   ffmpeg ->>+ mux: Write header
   mux ->>+ sdk: Create Tx connection
   sdk ->>+ proxy: Open TCP connection to Proxy
   proxy ->>+ mtl: Start Tx session
   mtl ->>+ network: Connect to remote host
   network ->>- mtl: Connection established
   mtl ->>- proxy: Session started
   proxy ->>+ memif: Create Memif Rx connection
   memif ->>- proxy: Connection created
   proxy ->>- sdk: Connection established

   sdk ->>+ proxy: Query Memif info
   proxy ->>- sdk: Memif info

   sdk ->>+ memif: Create Memif Tx connection
   memif ->>- sdk: Connection created
   sdk ->>- mux: Connection created
   mux ->>- ffmpeg: Success

FFmpeg Write Packet flow#

   participant ffmpeg as FFmpeg
   participant mux as Plugin
   participant sdk as SDK
   participant memif as Memif
   participant proxy as Media Proxy
   participant mtl as MTL
   participant network as Network

   ffmpeg ->>+ mux: Write packet
   mux ->>+ sdk: Allocate buffer
   sdk ->>+ memif: Dequeue buffer
   memif ->>- sdk: Buffer dequeued
   sdk ->>- mux: Buffer allocated
   mux ->> mux: Write frame into buffer
   mux ->>+ sdk: Send buffer
   sdk ->>+ memif: Enqueue buffer
   memif ->>- sdk: Buffer enqueued
   sdk ->>- mux: Buffer sent
   mux ->>- ffmpeg: Success

   proxy ->>+ memif: Dequeue buffer
   memif ->>- proxy: Buffer dequeued
   proxy ->>+ mtl: Send frame
   mtl ->> mtl: Encode ST2110-xx
   mtl ->>- network: Transmit data

FFmpeg Write Trailer flow#

   participant ffmpeg as FFmpeg
   participant mux as Plugin
   participant sdk as SDK
   participant memif as Memif
   participant proxy as Media Proxy
   participant mtl as MTL
   participant network as Network

   ffmpeg ->>+ mux: Write trailer
   mux ->>+ sdk: Close Tx connection
   sdk ->>+ proxy: Close TCP connection to Proxy
   proxy ->> mtl: Stop Tx session
   proxy ->>- memif: Close Memif Rx connection
   sdk ->> memif: Close Memif Tx connection
   sdk ->>- mux: Connection closed
   mux ->>- ffmpeg: Return