ASan guide#

AddressSanitizer (also known as ASan, google/sanitizers) is a fast memory error detector for C/C++ developed by Google. The Media Transport Library uses ASan for memory-related checks. ASan is a part of LLVM (version 3.1+) and GCC (version 4.8+). To enable ASan, pass the -fsanitize=address option to the compiler flags.

The library uses DPDK API to perform memory malloc/free operations. Therefore, the error monitoring capability depends on the DPDK ASan support.

1. Build DPDK with ASan detector#

To use ASan with DPDK, you must build DPDK with ASan support. ASan support was introduced in DPDK version 21.11

rm build -rf
meson build -Db_sanitize=address -Dbuildtype=debug
ninja -C build
cd build
sudo ninja install
pkg-config --cflags libdpdk
pkg-config --libs libdpdk
pkg-config --modversion libdpdk

2. Build Media Transport Library with ASan detector#

rm build/ -rf

3. Run the application to check for any memory issues#

./tests/tools/RxTxApp/build/RxTxApp --config_file tests/script/loop_json/1080p59_1v.json