Build Guide#
Building the Media Transport Library requires three parts: building the DPDK library, building the Media Transport Library on top of DPDK, and building the sample application.
Please note that the DPDK dependency remains necessary when utilizing the XDP/kernel socket data path backend. We leverage numerous DPDK APIs, including those for CPU, memory, queues, and mbufs, to construct a highly efficient network processing implementation.
1. Prerequisites#
1.1. Install the build dependency from OS software store#
1.1.1. Ubuntu/Debian#
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git gcc meson python3 python3-pip pkg-config libnuma-dev libjson-c-dev libpcap-dev libgtest-dev libssl-dev systemtap-sdt-dev llvm clang
sudo pip install pyelftools ninja
Install below SDL2 packages if you want the display support for RxTxApp.
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev
1.1.2. CentOS stream#
sudo yum install -y dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
sudo yum install git gcc gcc-c++ meson python3 python3-pip pkg-config json-c-devel libpcap-devel gtest-devel openssl-devel numactl-devel libasan systemtap-sdt-devel clang llvm-devel
sudo pip3 install pyelftools
Install below SDL2 packages if you want the display support for RxTxApp.
sudo yum install SDL2-devel
1.1.3. RHEL 9#
sudo yum install git gcc gcc-c++ python3 python3-pip pkg-config SDL2-devel openssl-devel numactl-devel libasan systemtap-sdt-devel
sudo pip3 install meson ninja pyelftools
RHEL 9 doesn’t provide json-c-devel libpcap-devel gtest-devel
package as default, it has to build these three libs from source code, install below dependency and follow section 1.2. Build dependency from source code to build.
sudo yum install cmake flex bison
1.1.4. Arch Linux#
sudo pacman -Syu --needed git gcc meson python python-pyelftools pkg-config json-c libpcap gtest openssl numactl
Install below SDL2 packages if you want the display support for RxTxApp.
sudo pacman -Syu --needed sdl2 sdl2_ttf
1.2. Build dependency from source code#
It’s true that not all operating systems, including RHEL 9, come with all the libraries required for every software package. If you’re trying to install a software that has dependencies not provided by default on your OS, you might need to install these dependencies manually. Skip these part if your setup has all dependencies resolved.
Refer to below commands for how to build from code.
1.2.1. json-c#
git clone -b json-c-0.16
cd json-c/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install
cd ../../
1.2.2. libpcap#
git clone -b libpcap-1.9
cd libpcap/
sudo make install
cd ..
1.2.3. gtest#
git clone -b v1.13.x
cd googletest/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ../
sudo make install
cd ../../
1.3. secure_path for root user#
The build steps use sudo ninja install
to install the built to system. Some operating systems, including CentOS stream and RHEL 9, not has /usr/local/bin/
into secure_path defaults.
Edit the file /etc/sudoers
, find secure_path
and append /usr/local/bin
Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
Reboot the system to let change take effect.
1.4. Clone Media Transport Library code#
Download Media Transport Library to top folder Directory
git clone
export mtl_source_code=${PWD}/Media-Transport-Library
2. DPDK build and install#
2.1. Get DPDK 23.11 source code#
git clone
cd dpdk
git checkout v23.11
git switch -c v23.11
cd ..
2.2. Apply the DPDK patches required to run Media Transport Library#
Note: $mtl_source_code should be pointed to top source code tree of Media Transport Library.
cd dpdk
git am $mtl_source_code/patches/dpdk/23.11/*.patch
2.3. Build and install DPDK library#
meson setup build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja install -C build
cd ..
Note, please make sure libnuma is installed, confirm it from the log of meson setup build
Library numa found: YES
If you see below log from sudo ninja install -C build
, it seems you’re encountering an issue where the ninja command isn’t recognized. This problem is likely due to the ninja executable not being in your system’s PATH, refer to ### 1.3
sudo: ninja: command not found
3. Build Media Transport Library and app#
cd $mtl_source_code
4. FAQ#
4.1. PKG_CONFIG_PATH issue#
It may get below error caused by PKG_CONFIG_PATH path problem.
lib/ ERROR: Dependency "libdpdk" not found, tried pkgconfig
Try below command to find the pc path and add to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH env.
find / -name libdpdk.pc
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
4.2. Build with clang#
Before build, export CC/CXX to clang, see below for example.
export CC=clang CXX=clang++
rm build -rf
4.3. Build portable package#
Sometimes, you may need to create a portable package that can be used directly on other nodes. Please note that the default steps in section ### 2.3
utilize the -march=native
compiler version. This generates native instructions based on local CPU features, some of which may not exist on other devices. In such scenarios, it’s necessary to specifically indicate the CPU instructions you want to support.
Below are the steps to generate a DPDK binary capable of AVX2. Set cpu_instruction_set
to haswell
during the DPDK meson setup stage.
cd dpdk
rm build -rf
meson setup build -Dcpu_instruction_set=haswell
ninja -C build
sudo ninja install -C build
cd ..
Next, rebuild the Media Transport Library. MTL will reuse the build flags from DPDK.
cd $mtl_source_code
rm build -rf
If you want to enable a AVX512 capable build, just set cpu_instruction_set
to skylake-avx512
meson setup build -Dcpu_instruction_set=skylake-avx512
Use the command below to check the cflags (march) used for the DPDK build:
pkg-config --cflags libdpdk
# below output indicate it use haswell arch
-include rte_config.h -march=haswell -msse4 -I/usr/local/include
Use below command to check the detail compiler flags of one march
echo | gcc -dM -E - -march=haswell
4.4. Older kernel installed on the OS#
In case older kernel installed on the OS throws the “Kernel header files not in any of expected locations”
and causes build errors, you can try to fix it with installation of kernel specific packet kernel-devel
# e.g. for CentOS or RHEL
sudo yum install "kernel-devel-$(uname -r)"
or with:
# e.g. for Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
For older kernel version on Red Hat, the issue is that Red Hat uses vault repos. Older versions are stored in the vaults and the correct repository needs to be enabled to install the targeted version.
The exemplary location for Rocky Linux
The exemplary location for the kernel-devel package for Rocky Linux 9.3
Next Steps#
Proceed to Running MTL for further instructions.