JSON Configuration Guide#
Media Transport Library sample app can use JSON file to configure sessions. This documentation explains how to write the JSON files.
Example tx_1v_1a_1anc.json
file, find more examples config files in example config directory.
"interfaces": [
"name": "0000:af:01.0",
"ip": ""
"tx_sessions": [
"dip": [
"interface": [
"st20p": [
"replicas": 1,
"start_port": 20000,
"payload_type": 112,
"width": 1920,
"height": 1080,
"fps": "p59",
"device": "AUTO",
"input_format": "YUV422PLANAR10LE",
"transport_format": "YUV_422_10bit",
"st20p_url": "./yuv422p10le_1080p.yuv"
"st30p": [
"replicas": 1,
"start_port": 30000,
"payload_type": 111,
"audio_format": "PCM24",
"audio_channel": ["U02"],
"audio_sampling": "96kHz",
"audio_ptime": "1",
"audio_url": "./test.pcm"
"ancillary": [
"replicas": 1,
"start_port": 40000,
"payload_type": 113,
"type": "frame",
"ancillary_format": "closed_caption",
"ancillary_url": "./test.txt",
"ancillary_fps": "p59"
"fastmetadata": [
"replicas": 1,
"start_port": 40000,
"payload_type": 115,
"type": "frame",
"fastmetadata_data_item_type": 123456,
"fastmetadata_k_bit": 1,
"fastmetadata_url": "./test.txt",
"fastmetadata_fps": "p59"
List all interfaces that can be used by app
name (string): PF/VF pci name, for example: 0000:86:00.0
proto (string): "static", "dhcp"
interface network protocol, if DHCP is used, below IPs will be ignored
ip (string): interface assigned IP
netmask (string): interface netmask(optional), for example:
gateway (string): interface gateway(optional), for example:, use “route -n” to check the gateway address before binding port to DPDK PMD.
tx_queues_cnt (int): the number of tx queues(optional). Default it will calculated based on the sessions number in this configuration.
rx_queues_cnt (int): the number of tx queues(optional). Default it will calculated based on the sessions number in this configuration.
Session group contains a group of sessions which use some common settings, there can be 0 or multiple video/audio/ancillary sessions in one group, and there can be 0 or multiple tx/rx session groups in the following parts in case you have multiple destination IP. See tx_multi_dest and rx_multi_dest for multiple destination reference.
TX Sessions (array of tx session groups)#
Common settings for following sessions in the group:
dip (array-string): destination IP address, at least 1 primary IP, the second is redundant IP
interfaces (array-int): interfaces/ports used by the sessions, at least 1 primary interface, the second is redundant interface
video (array of video sessions)#
Items in each element of the “video” array
replicas (int): 1~max_num
the number of session copies
type (string): "frame", "rtp", "slice"
app->lib data type
pacing (string): "narrow", "wide", "linear"
pacing type
packing (string): "BPM", "GPM", "GPM_SL"
packing mode, default is “BPM” mode (1260 bytes in payload)
start_port (int): 0~65535
start udp port for copies of sessions
payload_type (int): 0~127
7 bits payload type define in RFC3550
video_format (string): "i1080p59", "i1080p50", "i1080p29", "i720p59", "i720p50", "i720p29", "i2160p59", "i2160p50", "i2160p29"
video format
pg_format (string): "YUV_422_10bit"
, "YUV_422_12bit"
, "YUV_444_10bit"
, "YUV_444_12bit"
, "RGB_10bit"
, "RGB_12bit"
pixel group format
video_url (string): video source
display (bool): true, false
display video frames with SDL, only works with YUV 422 10bit and 8bit stream
audio (array of audio sessions)#
Items in each element of the “audio” array
replicas (int): 1~max_num
the number of session copies
type (string): "frame", "rtp"
app->lib data type
start_port (int): 0~65535
start udp port for copies of sessions
payload_type (int): 0~127
7 bits payload type define in RFC3550
audio_format (string): "PCM8", "PCM16", "PCM24"
audio format
audio_channel (array-string): "M", "DM", "ST", "LtRt", "51", "71", "222", "SGRP", "U01...U64"
audio channel-order(a listing of these channel grouping symbols), the library only cares the total number of channels
audio_sampling (string): "48kHz", "96kHz"
audio sample rate
audio_ptime (string): "1", "0.12", "0.25", "0.33", "4"
audio packet time, AES67(st30) supported: 1ms, 4ms, 125us(0.12), 250us(0.25) and 333us(0.33), AM824(st31) supported: 1ms
audio_url (string): audio source
ancillary (array of ancillary sessions)#
Items in each element of the “ancillary” array
replicas (int): 1~max_num
the number of session copies
start_port (int): 0~65535
start udp port for copies of sessions
payload_type (int): 0~127
7 bits payload type define in RFC3550
ancillary_format (string): "closed_caption"
ancillary format
ancillary_url (string): ancillary source
ancillary_fps (string): "p59", "p50", "p29"
ancillary fps which should be aligned to video
fast metadata (array of fast metadata sessions)#
Items in each element of the “fastmetadata” array
replicas (int): 1~max_num
the number of session copies
type (string): "frame", "rtp"
app->lib data type
start_port (int): 0~65535
start udp port for copies of sessions
payload_type (int): 0~127
7 bits payload type define in RFC3550
fastmetadata_data_item_type (int): 0~4194303
(0x - 0x3fffff) 22 bits data item type
fastmetadata_k_bit (int): 0~1
1 bit K-bit value
fastmetadata_url (string): fast metadata source
fastmetadata_fps (string): "p59", "p50", "p29"
fast metadata fps which should be aligned to video
RX Sessions (array of rx session groups)#
Common settings for following sessions in the group:
ip (array-string): the transmitter’s IP or the multicast group IP, at least 1 primary IP, the second is redundant IP
mcast_src_ip (array-string): the source IP filter for multicast(optional), assume primary and redundant sessions use different multicast group, if one of the source filter set, another is allowed to be set as source)
interfaces (array-int): interfaces/ports used by the sessions, at least 1 primary interface, the second is redundant interface
video (array of video sessions) for RX#
Items in each element of the “video” array
replicas (int): 1~max_num
the number of session copies
type (string): "frame", "rtp", "slice"
lib->app data type
start_port (int): 0~65535
start udp port for copies of sessions
payload_type (int): 0~127
7 bits payload type define in RFC3550
video_format (string): "i1080p59", "i1080p50", "i1080p29", "i720p59", "i720p50", "i720p29", "i2160p59", "i2160p50", "i2160p29"
video format
pg_format (string): "YUV_422_10bit"
, "YUV_422_12bit"
, "YUV_444_10bit"
, "YUV_444_12bit"
, "RGB_10bit"
, "RGB_12bit"
pixel group format
user_pg_format (string): "YUV_422_8bit"
user required pixel group format
display (bool): true, false
display video frames with SDL, only works with YUV 422 10bit and 8bit stream
audio (array of audio sessions) for RX#
Items in each element of the “audio” array
replicas (int): 1~max_num
th number of session copies
type (string): "frame", "rtp"
lib->app data type
start_port (int): 0~65535
start udp port for copies of sessions
payload_type (int): 0~127
7 bits payload type define in RFC3550
audio_format (string): "PCM8", "PCM16", "PCM24"
audio format
audio_channel (array-string): "M", "DM", "ST", "LtRt", "51", "71", "222", "SGRP", "U01...U64"
audio channel-order(a listing of these channel grouping symbols), the library only cares the total number of channels
audio_sampling (string): "48kHz", "96kHz"
audio sample rate
audio_ptime (string): "1", "0.12", "0.25", "0.33", "4"
audio packet time, AES67(st30) supported: 1ms, 4ms, 125us(0.12), 250us(0.25) and 333us(0.33), AM824(st31) supported: 1ms
The maximum frame size that can be sent in the Media Transport Library (MTL) is 1440 bytes. This means that the combination of channel size, packet time (ptime), and audio channel should not exceed this limit.
audio_url (string): audio reference file
ancillary (array of ancillary sessions) for RX#
Items in each element of the “ancillary” array
replicas (int): 1~max_num
the number of session copies
start_port (int): 0~65535
start udp port for copies of sessions
payload_type (int): 0~127
7 bits payload type define in RFC3550
fast metadata (array of fast metadata sessions) for RX#
Items in each element of the “fastmetadata” array
replicas (int): 1~max_num
the number of session copies
start_port (int): 0~65535
start udp port for copies of sessions
payload_type (int): 0~127
7 bits payload type define in RFC3550
fastmetadata_data_item_type (int): 0~4194303
(0x - 0x3fffff) 22 bits data item type - reference value (for testing the flow) - Optional setting
fastmetadata_k_bit (int): 0~1
1 bit K-bit value - reference value (for testing the flow) - Optional setting
fastmetadata_url (string): fast metadata reference file (for testing the flow) - Optional setting
shared_tx_queues (bool): If enable the shared tx queues or not, (optional). The queue number is limited for NIC, to support sessions more than queue number, enable this option to share queue resource between sessions.
shared_rx_queues (bool): If enable the shared rx queues or not, (optional). The queue number is limited for NIC, to support sessions more than queue number, enable this option to share queue resource between sessions.
tx_no_chain (bool): If disable the tx chain support or not, (optional). Tx chain is for zero copy support for audio and video transmitters with two different memory pool for header and payload. Use can enable this option to use copy mode to reduce the mempool usage, usually for audio sessions number max than 128.
sch_session_quota (int): The quota unit in 1080p59 yuv422_10bit for one single scheduler(core), (optional). Default it will use the quota define in the lib.
rss_mode (string): "none", "l3_l4", "l3"
(optional). Default it will be detected by lib.
log_file (string): set log file for mtl log. If you’re initiating multiple RxTxApp processes simultaneously, please ensure each process has a unique filename path. Default the log is writing to stderr.